Hidden Entrepreneur Interviews Dr. Lussier on Winning the Negotiation

The Hidden Entrepreneur Hosted by Josh Cary Interviews Dr. Lussier on Thoughtful Strategies to Win a Negotiation. Click on image to access the interview:  

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Dr. Robert Lussier Trains UG’s Professors of Business Management

Salamanca, Gto., a 20 de enero- Dr. Robert N. Lussier, professor of Springfield College in Massachusetts and business consultant, gave a research workshop to professors of the Business Management degree from Campus Irapuato-Salamanca from the University of Guanajuato. In the workshop given at the Division of Engineering (DICIS), professors learned …

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Here is my new blog post for January – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Note that it is a follow-up to my last two blogs posts on Conflict Management because when we negotiate we are often in conflict as we tend to disagree and are in opposition. This blog post includes: A …

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You can use this information to improve your teamwork skills, and/or to teach your students or others. There is also a self-assessment and an ethical dilemma you can use for reflection or class discussion. This information is taken from my Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 7e, SAGE 2017. …

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You can use this information to improve your delegation skills, and/or to teach your students or others how to delegate. There is also an ethical dilemma you can use for class discussion. This information is taken from my Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 7e, SAGE 2017. Delegation is …

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