Hidden Entrepreneur Interviews Dr. Lussier on Winning the Negotiation

The Hidden Entrepreneur Hosted by Josh Cary Interviews Dr. Lussier on Thoughtful Strategies to Win a Negotiation. Click on image to access the interview:  

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Mature-Preneurs Talks with Dr. Lussier on Tips for Successful Ventures

Diana Todd-Banks interviews Dr. Lussier on his innovative insights to help those succeed in entrepreneurial ventures, especially those over 50, as they are uniquely poised to understand the burgeoning and lucrative Boomer Economy. Click on image to hear the interview  

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Dr. Robert Lussier Trains UG’s Professors of Business Management

Salamanca, Gto., a 20 de enero- Dr. Robert N. Lussier, professor of Springfield College in Massachusetts and business consultant, gave a research workshop to professors of the Business Management degree from Campus Irapuato-Salamanca from the University of Guanajuato. In the workshop given at the Division of Engineering (DICIS), professors learned …

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Pre-employment Inquiries

On a job application or during an interview, no member of an organization can legally ask any questions that can be used to discriminate against the applicant, unless the questions are bona fide occupational qualifications. A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is one that may be discriminatory but is reasonably …

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Foundations of Successful Publishing

Let’s start by discussing the performance formula that leads to successful publishing, followed by some of the myths that some academics have regarding publishing and some of the realities regarding publishing success. The Performance Formula The performance formula applies to all types of performance, or your publishing success stated as …

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Here is my new blog post for January – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Note that it is a follow-up to my last two blogs posts on Conflict Management because when we negotiate we are often in conflict as we tend to disagree and are in opposition. This blog post includes: A …

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Resolving Conflicts

You can use this information to improve your conflict management skills, and/or to teach your students or others. There are two exercises to apply the conflict resolution models and two questions to apply the theory to your own personal and/or work-school situation. This information is taken from my Human Relations …

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