Publish Don’t Perish Table of Contents


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About the Author                                                                                         

I. Foundations for Publishing (Don’t Perish)

1. Publishing Attitude and Persistence  (7 pages)

2. Publishing Requirements and Objectives  (8 pages)

3. Prioritizing and Scheduling Publishing  (8 pages)

II. Getting Published

4. Mentors and Coauthors  (10 pages)

5. Selecting Topics and Publication Sources  (9 pages)

6. Matching Publication Sources  (7 pages)

III. Increasing Your Publications

7. Time Management and the Pipeline  (7 pages)

8. Multiplying Publications  (8 pages)

IV. Quantitative Research and Analysis: A Decision Tree

9. Empirical Research  (13 pages)

10. Descriptive Statistics and Hypotheses Testing  (8 pages)

11. Selecting Statistics Using a Decision Tree and Understanding the Results  (11 pages)

Appendix: Practice Using the Decision Tree to Test Hypotheses  (8 pages)

V. Publishing Sources, Revising and Resubmitting, and Writing

12. Refereed Sources and Revising and Resubmitting  (12 pages)

13. Non-Refereed Sources and Changing Reviews to Refereed  (12 pages)

14. Writing and Editing Guidelines  (7 pages)

Approximately 150 pages

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