Mature-Preneurs Talks with Dr. Lussier on Tips for Successful Ventures

Diana Todd-Banks interviews Dr. Lussier on his innovative insights to help those succeed in entrepreneurial ventures, especially those over 50, as they are uniquely poised to understand the burgeoning and lucrative Boomer Economy. Click on image to hear the interview  

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Dr. Robert Lussier Trains UG’s Professors of Business Management

Salamanca, Gto., a 20 de enero- Dr. Robert N. Lussier, professor of Springfield College in Massachusetts and business consultant, gave a research workshop to professors of the Business Management degree from Campus Irapuato-Salamanca from the University of Guanajuato. In the workshop given at the Division of Engineering (DICIS), professors learned …

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Pre-employment Inquiries

On a job application or during an interview, no member of an organization can legally ask any questions that can be used to discriminate against the applicant, unless the questions are bona fide occupational qualifications. A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is one that may be discriminatory but is reasonably …

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You can use this information to improve your teamwork skills, and/or to teach your students or others. There is also a self-assessment and an ethical dilemma you can use for reflection or class discussion. This information is taken from my Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 7e, SAGE 2017. …

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You can use this information to improve your delegation skills, and/or to teach your students or others how to delegate. There is also an ethical dilemma you can use for class discussion. This information is taken from my Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 7e, SAGE 2017. Delegation is …

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Setting Objectives

In this blog, you will learn how to set objectives using a model that you can use, and teach to others at work, to improve performance. Max E. Douglas, Indiana State University, developed a model that is helpful in writing effective objectives. One variation on Douglas’s model, shown in Model …

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